Lookup Definition for: strain

simple, easy and fast word unscrambler!

Validity in the following dictionaries:

strain is VALID in Scrabble in TWL/NWL (USA, Thailand, Canada)
strain is VALID in Scrabble in SOWPODS/CSW (All Countries)
strain is VALID in ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Definitions for strain

strain: the act of singing; "with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates"
strain: difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension; "she endured the stresses and strains of life"; "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger"- R.J.Samuelson
strain: (psychology) nervousness resulting from mental stress; "his responsibilities were a constant strain"; "the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him"
strain: injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and pain
strain: (physics) deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces
strain: (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; "a new strain of microorganisms"
strain: a special variety of domesticated animals within a species; "he experimented on a particular breed of white rats"; "he created a new strain of sheep"
strain: a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"
strain: pervading note of an utterance; "I could follow the general tenor of his argument"
strain: a lineage or race of people
strain: an effortful attempt to attain a goal
strain: an intense or violent exertion
strain: stretch or force to the limit; "strain the rope"
strain: separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements; "sift the flour"
strain: remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities"
strain: rub through a strainer or process in an electric blender; "puree the vegetables for the baby"
strain: use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity; "He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro"; "Don''t strain your mind too much"
strain: to exert much effort or energy; "straining our ears to hear"
strain: alter the shape of (something) by stress; "His body was deformed by leprosy"
strain: make tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious;
strain: test the limits of; "You are trying my patience!"
sing: produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
sing: deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
try: test the limits of; "You are trying my patience!"
deform: alter the shape of (something) by stress; "His body was deformed by leprosy"
strain: stretch or force to the limit; "strain the rope"
tense: make tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious;
stock: supply with livestock; "stock a farm"
breed: of plants or animals; "She breeds dogs"
breed: have young (animals); "pandas rarely breed in captivity"
melodize: supply a melody for
strain: use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity; "He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro"; "Don''t strain your mind too much"
strive: to exert much effort or energy; "straining our ears to hear"
endeavor: attempt by employing effort; "we endeavor to make our customers happy"
tension: (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body; "the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear"
tension: the action of stretching something tight; "tension holds the belt in the pulleys"
strain: (physics) deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces
strainer: a filter to retain larger pieces while smaller pieces and liquids pass through
sieve: a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
sifter: a household sieve (as for flour)
winnow: the act of separating grain from chaff; "the winnowing was done by women"
filter: device that removes something from whatever passes through it
filtrate: the product of filtration; a gas or liquid that has been passed through a filter
filtration: the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium
filtration: the act of changing a fluid by passing it through a filter
puree: food prepared by cooking and straining or processed in a blender
striving: an effortful attempt to attain a goal
strain: an intense or violent exertion
strain: injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and pain
deformation: alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it
tension: the physical condition of being stretched or strained; "it places great tension on the leg muscles"; "he could feel the tenseness of her body"
stress: difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension; "she endured the stresses and strains of life"; "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger"- R.J.Samuelson
tension: (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor"
stressor: any agent that causes stress to an organism

Scores for strain

Here you can find the respective points for the individual letters or tiles from the popular games Scrabble and Words With Friends. The bonus fields and multiplied character values are not counted. Only the number of points of the respective letters counts.



Words With Friends


Points List in Scrabble

Here you find the official points list for the game Scrabble incl. points for the german umlauts äüö. The number of tiles are in brackets.

  • 1 Points: E (15), N (9), S (7), I (6), R (6), T (6), U (6), A (5), D (4)
  • 2 Points: H (4), G (3), L (3), O (3)
  • 3 Points: M (4), B (2), W (1), Z (1)
  • 4 Points: C (2), F (2), K (2), P (1)
  • 6 Points: Ä (1), J (1), Ü (1), V (1)
  • 8 Points: Ö (1), X (1)
  • 10 Points: Q (1), Y (1)
  • 0 Points: Joker/Blanko (2)

Points List Words With Friends

Here you can find the official points list for the game Words With Friends. The number of tiles are in brackets.

  • 1 Points: E (13), A (9), I (8), O (8), T (7), R (6), S (5)
  • 2 Points: D (5), N (5), L (4), U (4)
  • 3 Points: H (4), G (3), Y (2)
  • 4 Points: B (2), C (2), F (2), M (2), P (2), W (2)
  • 5 Points: V (2), K (1)
  • 8 Points: X (1)
  • 10 Points: J (1), Q (1), Z (1)
  • 0 Points: Blanko (2)

Unscramble strain

93 valid words for the letters strain
6 Letter Words
Found 4 words with 6 letter lenghts for strain
2 Letter Words
Found 12 words with 2 letter lenghts for strain

How does the Word Unscramble work?

The Word Unscramble was created to help you to unscramble words and characters using algorithms. For this purpose, the Word Unscramble uses a database with millions of words and filters out the matching words. The words are sorted by the length of the word-characters, as well as your individual settings. For example, with which letters the unscramble words should begin or end. Which characters must appear within the unscramble words, how long or short the words should be. For the worldwide popular games Scrabble and Words With Friends, the total score is calculated for each unscramble word. You have also the option to select the total score for the unscramble words for the word game Scrabble or Words With Friends.

The Word Unscramble works not only for the above games. Use the tool to unscramble words and characters for all word games, crosswords and more. Most of these games follow the same rules, so you can use the unscramble words for them.

Example (running):

The following words are unscramble from the word RUNNING and sorted by character length.
If you click on a unscramble word, you will get more information (definition, word score...) about the word.

The most important information such as the score in the popular games Scrabble and Words With Friends, number of unscramble words, similar words, words containing your keyword as well as the unscramble words sorted by their top score from the two games and much more are clearly displayed on the right side from our site word-unscramble.com.

You have the possibility to click on the keyword you entered, as well as on the unscramble words and all other words (similar words etc.) to get more detailed information about the word. The information would include the word definition (if it is available), detailed score of the single letter tiles and much more.

You probably know it. In the crossword puzzle they are still missing the right word to complete the line. There are only a few letters given, but you can't find the word with them either. Simply enter the existing letters in the Word Unscramble and select the character length, which has the field in the crossword puzzle. If available, you can also enter a string of characters that the word must contain. By clicking on the button "Unscramble", you will be able to unscramble the matching words.

You can unscramble words/letter sequence up to a character length of 20 characters. If the Word Unscramble has no result, check your letters, shorten the character length if necessary or check if you have set something in the advanced filter options.


  • Enter whole words or a sequence of letters in the input-field
  • Make sure not to use spaces, numbers and special characters
  • If needed, select the individual options with the "More Options" button and set your preferences there
  • Click the "Unscramble" button
  • The unscrambled words will be displayed below

Optional settings of the Word Unscramble

You have the possibility to make optional settings in the Word Unscramble form to refine the results. To open the settings, simply click the "More Options" button. This will open a field with the settings. Here you have the option to set with which characters the unscrambled words should begin or end.

For example

If you enter "a" in the "Starts with" field, only words beginning with "a" will be displayed. The same happens in the field "Ends with", only words ending with "a" are displayed. You can also combine the first and last letter and get a word that starts with "a" and ends with "a".

In addition, you have the possibility to enter single letters or a sequence of letters that the unscramble words must contain. As an example, you enter the letters "ung" in the "Letter contains" field. The unscramble words can be hungary, sunglasses or hung. As you can see, it doesn't matter whether the characters "ung" appear at the beginning, middle or end of the word. To make your search more precise, you can combine the filter "Letter contains" with "Starts with" and "Ends with".

Another option is to specify the length of the words. In the "Letter length" field "All lenght" is selected by default. This means that the Word Unscramble will unscramble words with different lengths based on your input. You can set the option if you want to have words "Greater", "Smaller" or "Exact" of a number size. You enter the number in the "Number" field. You can also combine the "Letter length" with the above options.

The last optional setting refers to the points calculated for the games Scrabble and Words with Friends. On the unscramble words you will find a small number, that is the points you get for the whole word. Since the distribution of points per letter is different in the two games, you have the option to choose for which game the points are calculated. By default the points are calculated for Scrabble.

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