Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions and answers

Words Unscramble decodes words with scores for the games Scrabble and Words With Friends based on the values you enter. It also suggests similar words and shows you the word definition (if available) for each word. You have several filter options to make your result more precise.
The Words Generator generates up to 900 words per result based on the values you enter. You have several filter options to make your result more precise.
Vowels are a,e,i,o,u which can occur in a word. Example: car contains the vowel a. The Words Counter also includes the German umlauts ä,ü,ö
The points for the Scrabble and Words With Friends games are given by the games. The letters get a certain number of points in each game. Thus, each letter gets a certain number of points, as well as a total number of points for the whole word.
If no result is displayed in both tools, it seems that the letters/words cannot be decoded or generated. Additionally check your filter settings.

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